How to look like a model

Supermodels and aspiring ones need to be at the top of their game to be favored in the industry. Great hair, a great body, perfect smile and color that looks like they’ve come out of a tanning machine are just some of the things that are required. Aside from this, a model must be extremely well-coordinated because they are required to wear high heels and occasionally, head accessories that can be quite heavy. If one is not careful, she could end up slipping or falling in the middle of a very important event.

fashionTraining for the catwalk life is no easy feat. It requires years of practice and perseverance. Coming up with a signature walk or mastering the twists and turns take years to learn; and you often need to be under the tutelage of a good teacher to learn everything that you can. Then, there’s also physical fitness and proper diet.  A model can’t appear on the runway with unsightly bulges or very pale skin. In the case of the latter, there’s always a spray tan solution for an instant fix, but flabby arms or extra weight will not be easy to hide. This is why a model must spend a lot of her time working out at the gym, running, or engaging in serious physical activities.

Truth be told, a model must also be able to enjoy some time outdoors. It’s not only a great alternative to a tanning machine because hours under the sun will give you a natural glow, it also offers a chance to disconnect from the hype and the pressure. Models are advised to do something they like – hike, run, play ball, golf, run or even take up archery as a pastime. It lends some balance to their lives and keeps them grounded. Given their celebrity status, models have been known to slip and fall into alcoholism and even drugs. Having a life outside of the limelight will help a lot.

Finally, there’s education. A model must be able to speak her mind and give an opinion on pressing social issues. Gone are the days when models were considered as bimbos who spent their afternoons spray tanning. Nowadays, models are expected to do more and say what’s in their minds. Some models are openly against fur or harming animals during shoots and fashion shows – and they do make their preferences known to the people in power. As role models and great influences on the youth, models must not only look good in paper but also look good – from the inside out.

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